Friday, May 16th, 2014 | |
Optional Pre-Conference Tutorials | |
Ross Bennett: Complex Portfolio Optimization with PortfolioAnalytics | |
Yi-An Chen: Estimating Factor Models and Managing Risk with FactorAnalytics | |
Matt Dowle: Introduction to data.table | |
Dirk Eddelbuettel: An Example-Driven Hands-on Introduction to Rcpp | |
Registration (2nd floor Inner Circle) & Continental Breakfast (3rd floor by Sponsor Tables) | |
Transition between seminars | |
Kickoff | |
Sponsor Introduction | |
Luke Tierney: Some Performance Improvements for the R Engine | |
Karl Polen: Private Equity Performance Analytics Implemented in R | |
Mark Bennett: Data Mining with Markowitz Portfolio Optimization in Higher Dimensions | |
John Burkett: Portfolio Optimization: Utility, Computaton, Equities Applications | |
Yang Lu: Re-Evaluation of the Low-Risk Anomaly in Finance via Matching | |
Maria Belianina: Multi-Factor Models and Analytics with R, OneTick, and OneQuantData | |
Break | |
Avery Moon: Tax Efficient Portfolios | |
Steven Pav: Portfolio Inference with this One Weird Trick | |
Tobias Setz: BCP Stability Analytics: New Directions in Tactical Asset Management | |
Lunch | |
Paul Teetor: Bootstrapping Seasonal Spreads | |
Matthew Clegg: On the Persistence of Cointegration in Pairs Trading | |
Kent Hoxsey: Exploring Trading System Expectation | |
Doug Martin: Tests for Robust versus Least Squares Factor Model Fits | |
Bernhard Pfaff: The R package cccp: Solving Cone Constrained Convex Programs | |
Matthew Barry: Package pbo: Probability of Backtest Overfitting | |
Alexios Ghalanos: Twinkle, twinkle little STAR: Smooth Transition AR Models in R | |
Break | |
Michael Kapler: Average Correlation and Adaptive Shrinkage Estimators | |
Steven Greiner: Stress Testing your way to Better Portfolio Management | |
Kris Boudt: Asset Allocation with Higher Order Moments and Factor Models | |
Marcello Colasante: Quantitative Portfolios, Trading Strategies via Factor Entropy Pooling | |
Information about reception and dinner | |
Conference Reception | |
Optional Conference Dinner (The Terrace at The Trump) | |
Saturday, May 17th, 2014 | |
Coffee/ Breakfast | |
Kickoff | |
Chirag Anand: eventstudies: An R Package for Conducting Event Studies | |
Vyacheslav Arbuzov: Microstructure of Fin. Markets. HFT, Regulation and Structural Changes | |
Heidi Chen: An R Package on Credit Default Swaps | |
James Thewissen: Sentiment Dynamics and Information Content within CEO Letters | |
Casey King:
Anti-Money Laundering and Suspicious Activity Reporting: A New Hope | |
Bryan Lewis: New Ideas for Large Network Analysis, Implemented in R | |
David Matteson: Identifying Recessions in Real-Time Using Time-Freq. Functional Models | |
Break | |
Stephen Rush: Twenty Years of VPIN | |
Bob McDonald: Using R in a Business School | |
Krishna Kumar: A Greeks Tour with R in Greektown | |
Karl-Kuno Kunze: Package 'Intermediate and Long Memory Time Series' (ILMTS) | |
Eric Zivot: Modeling Financial Time Series with R | |
Lunch | |
Rohini Grover: The Imprecision of Volatility Indexes | |
Gregor Kastner: stochvol: Dealing with Stochastic Volatility in Time Series | |
Break | |
Bill Cleveland: Divide and Recombine for the Analysis of Large Complex Data with R | |
Matthew Dixon: gpusvcalibration: Fast Stochastic Volatility Model Calibration using GPUs | |
Michael Kane: Distributed Data Structures in R for General, Large-scale Computing | |
Kjell Konis: The FlexBayes Package | |
Dirk Eddelbuettel: Building Simple Redis Data Caches | |
Prizes and Feedback | |
Conclusion | |
Post-conference Drinks at Jak's Tap |